Termideck Dark

Welcome to the example page for the Termideck-Dark theme

This theme was created by me for small projects I do. This was designed to look professional while maintaining a small file size. The name is derived from Terminal meaning Terminal emulator or physical terminals like the VT220, and Cyberdeck which are little hackable computers for geek usage. lol.

TermiDeck was designed to be sleek, efficient, and cool, which are 100% just corporate speak. It was actually designed to be easy on the eyes while being 100% readable and flexable for developers. It was also designed for people who do programming and/or Linux/Unix/POSIX work. So you can easily put commands in their own little space

Examples of Things


<span class="InternalContent">Result from the code</span>

Result from the code


<span class="CompanyName">Company Name, LLC.</span>

Company Name, LLC.


<div class="ButtonBox">
    <p>This is a Button!</p>

This is a Button!

This button however, is inactive, and will not work in this example!


<span class="ExampleText">This is a example!</span>

This is a example!


<span class="MonoText">root@linux# foo bar</span>

root@linux# foo bar