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The Device End! aka the bane of my existance, why? Because it's unknown to me as of now. But what I do know is it runs linux? How do I know this? Because of two things. 1. It's a embedded device 2. nmap said so! Plus it's really a no-brainer to use Linux for a device like this, heck Anyka themselves not only recommend it but offer a modified Linux kernel specifically for the AK3918 chipset. I suspect this might be the kernel the device is running mainly because it was purpose built for the task and chipset but also because companies are cheap. And companies aren't going to dedicate time and resources to building a whole new Linux derived kernel when the SoC manufacturer essentially hands you one with the SDK. With that I was able to somewhat determine (with the help of nmap, which I will get to later) that the kernel is most likely a variant of Linux 2.6 The Software package on this device is rather unknown at the moment but it can be determined that like any other embedded Linux device it's most likely running the modified Linux kernel with Busybox on top of it. This can also be determined by some of the services that are running on the device... RIGHT! I never stated. There are services running on this device that are borderline impossible to access without hacking it!