_ _____ _____ _____ __ __ _____ _ _ /\ | | / ____| |_ _| __ \ | \/ |/ ____| | | | / \ | |_| | __ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ ___ | | | |__) | | \ / | | | | | | / /\ \| __| | |_ |/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \/ __| | | | _ / | |\/| | | | | | | / ____ \ |_| |__| | (_| | | | | | | __/\__ \ _| |_| | \ \ | | | | |____| |__| | /_/ \_\__|\_____|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___||___/ |_____|_| \_\ |_| |_|\_____|\____/ Researched by Renn(ItsT3K) ======================================================================================= This document is written in 88 Column width. If this document looks off in your text viewer/Terminal please resize your window to something like 88x24 or bigger 2023/03/29 : Fixed a minor error with the pin count 2021/09/30 : This document was created using some information I already had on hand To reach me if you know more e-mail: itst3k@protonmail.com ======================================================================================= __ _____ _ _ /_ | | __ (_) | | | | | |__) | _ __ ___ _ _| |_ | | | ___/ | '_ \ / _ \| | | | __| | | _ | | | | | | | (_) | |_| | |_ |_| (_) |_| |_|_| |_|\___/ \__,_|\__| =========================================== The MCU currently is unknown, But it is assumed to be a Microchip PIC16F87/88 MCU due to the similarities in form factor and pin layout. ____________ TX? |1 18| ??? ??? | | ??? UP1 | | LEFT1 DOWN1 | | RIGHT1 VCC | | ??? MENU | | ??? A1 | | ??? SEL | | ??? START |9_________18| ??? The form factor of the chip is a 18-pin PDIP SOIC. So what do these pins match with the PIC16F87/88. ____________ RA2 |1 10| RA1 RA3 | | RA0 RA4 | | RA7 RA5 | | RA6 VCC | | Vdd RB0 | | RB7 RB1 | | RB6 RB2 | | RB5 RB3 |9_________18| RB4 ======================================================= | RA/RB | The RA/RB pins are Bidirectional I/O pins. | | | RA5 however is a Input pin. | ======================================================= |Vcc/Vdd| This is the power input pins for the chip | ======================================================= ___ _____ _____ _ _ |__ \ |_ _| __ \ | | | | ) | | | | |__) | | | __ _ _ _ ___ _ _| |_ / / | | | _ / | | / _` | | | |/ _ \| | | | __| / /_ _ _| |_| | \ \ | |___| (_| | |_| | (_) | |_| | |_ |____| (_) |_____|_| \_\ |______\__,_|\__, |\___/ \__,_|\__| __/ | |___/ =============================================================== The IR Blaster layout is pretty simple, The output to the IR blaster comes from RA2 (TX?) and goes through a 102 Ohm resistor to a GS8050M NPN Transistor. It then goes through a 100 Ohm Resistor then out to the IR Blaster [IR] | |VCC | [100] | [HY1D] (GS8050M) | |VCC [102] | TX? ____ _______ ____ _____ |___ \ |__ __| _ \ / ____| __) | | | | |_) | | |__ < | | | _ <| | ___) | _ | | | |_) | |____ |____/ (_) |_| |____/ \_____| =================================== At some point I plan on grabbing a device to analyze the IR output to see how the controller communicates to the console. That concludes this document for now. See ya! - ItsT3K, 2021