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          _    _____                             _____ _____    __  __  _____ _    _ 
     /\  | |  / ____|                           |_   _|  __ \  |  \/  |/ ____| |  | |
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   / /\ \| __| | |_ |/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \/ __|   | | |  _  /  | |\/| | |    | |  | |
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 /_/    \_\__|\_____|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___||___/ |_____|_|  \_\ |_|  |_|\_____|\____/ 
							Researched by Renn(ItsT3K)
This document is written in 88 Column width. If this document looks off in your
text viewer/Terminal please resize your window to something like 88x24 or bigger.

	2021/09/30 : This document was created using some information I already had on hand

							To reach me if you know more
							e-mail: itst3k@protonmail.com

1. The MCU
  TX? |1         10| ???
  ??? |            | ???
  UP1 |            | LEFT1
DOWN1 |            | RIGHT1
  VCC |            | ???
 MENU |            | ???
   A1 |            | ???
  SEL |            | ???
START |9_________18| ???
The current MCU is unknown. However it is assumed that it is a 
PIC16F87/88 due to the form factor and similarities in pin layout.
The form factor of the chip is a 18-pin PDIP SOIC. 
So what do these pins match with the PIC16F87/88.

  RA2 |1         10| RA1
  RA3 |            | RA0
  RA4 |            | RA7
  RA5 |            | RA6
  VCC |            | Vdd
  RB0 |            | RB7
  RB1 |            | RB6
  RB2 |            | RB5
  RB3 |9_________18| RB4

The MCU's job is to take the input from the joystick
and convert it to data to be sent out through the IR
blaster that gets sent to the main console

2. The IR Layout

	  |  |VCC
	  [HY1D] (GS8050M)
	  |    |VCC
3. Misc

Connector from the power/selection board to the main board

VCC - 3.3V (2 x AAA Batteries)
SW1 - Power Switch
MENU - Reset Button
SEL - Game Select Button
START - Game Start Button
More info will be put here as more info becomes availible

A picture of the PCB