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Dreamgear MyArcade 160-in-1

The Dreamgear 160-in-1 is just a simple "multiple games in one" gaming device. The games on this thing are fairly basic and simple. This is mainly due to the CPU not exactly being powerful. It runs on a ST2302U which is just a beefed up 6502 with a 4 channel PSG built in. I can't seem to find more information about the CPU due to how secretive Sitronix can be.

Hilariously for some reason my unit has a LG Business Solutions logo on the front of it. I cannot find another unit online with this same logo printed on it. Maybe this is a unit from some in-house company event? Who knows!

Images of the outside of the unit

Dissasembly and The Insides

Opening the device is incredibly simple. It just requires unscrewing 4 phillips head screws in each corner on the back. Then gently pulling the front away. Just be careful about the buttons however. They will fall out if the front is not facing downward. And be careful of the LCD as it is now unprotected