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Me, In the Furry Community? I've been a part of the Furry Fandom since around 2013/14 when I pretty much discovered the fandom by pure chance. I originally had a fursona named Luna which was a blue wolf, But this fursona never lasted. The fursona I stuck with was a neon-green Folf (Fox-Wolf)named Lord Sabrewulf. I ended up using a different fursona around 2021, Being a Striped Skunk named Renn, After the Pseudonym I've been using since around 2018. My Furry Code is: FMS f a A-- C+ H++ P++ R- T W- Z Sm++ RLCT/M/TH c++bln d++ e h* i+++ p+ s+ The Fursonas RennSpecies: Striped Skunk Height: 5'5" (167cm) Gender: Male Art: Art by Terio Art by Whims Oneshot SabrewulfSpecies: Folf (Fox-Wolf Hybrid) Height: 6'0" (182.8cm) Gender: Male Art by Dr. Fluffykins Art by WhatsUqFool Art by Juniper Skunktaur